22/09/2024, 16:19 Hôm qua: 623 khách Hôm nay: 494 khách
    Chương Trình ACCP2005  


1. Elementary Programming with C

  • Basics of C
  • Variables and Data types
  • Operators and Expressions
  • Input and Output in C
  • Condition
  • Loop
  • Arrays
  • Pointers
  • Functions
  • Strings
  • Advanced Data Types and Sorting
  • File Handling

2. HTML, DHTML and JavaScript

  • Introduction and Hyperlinks
  • Basic Tags
  • Using Tables and Layers
  • Using Forms and Frames
  • Style Sheets
  • The Foundation of JavaScript Syntax
  • The Core Language Objects in JavaScript
  • The Browser Objects in JavaScript
  • Handling Form and Form Element Events

3. Web Pages Designing with Dreamweaver MX

  • Introduction
  • Adding Text
  • Tables
  • Libraries & Snippets
  • Images
  • Forms
  • Frames
  • Working with Flash
  • Enhancing Web Pages with Add-on Effects
  • Working with Layers
  • Behaviours
  • Automating Dreamweaver
  • Links
  • Cascading Style Sheets
  • Templates
  • Testing your Site

4. DBMS Concepts Implementation with SQL-Server

  • Database foundation knowledge
  • SQL Server Database Management
  • SQL Server Table Management
  • SQL Server Data Management
  • Data Query
  • Database Design
  • Advanced Query
  • T-SQL Programming
  • User and Security Management
  • Transaction and Lock
  • Index and Full-Text Index
  • Views and Cursors
  • Stored Procedures
  • Triggers

5. Communication and Personality Development

  • Introduction to CPD
  • Presentation Skills
  • Working together in team

6. eProject with Website Development

  • Objectives:
    • To consolidate and supplement the computing knowledge and skills through practical application
    • To practise team work in a strict discipline environment
    • To practise software development in industry standard process (ISO, CMM)
    • To be familiar with global working environment in sofware project
  • Methods:
    • Design and Implementation phases are separated
    • Concentrating on Software development
    • Faculty support and supervisory
    • International specialist mentor and evaluation
  • Applicable Technologies:
    • DreamWeaver MX
    • HTML, DHTML, and Javascript
    • SQL Server database

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