22/09/2024, 16:41 Hôm qua: 623 khách Hôm nay: 518 khách
    Chương Trình ACCP2005  


1. Java Part 1

  • Introduction to Java
  • Java Language Fundamentals
  • Introduction to Classes
  • Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT)
  • Applets
  • Layout Managers
  • Exceptions
  • Introduction to Threads
  • Multithreading and Garbage Collection
  • Introduction to Packages
  • java.util Package
  • java.io Package
  • java.nio Packages

2. Java Part 2

  • Swing-I
  • Swing-II
  • Basics of JDBC
  • Advanced JDBC
  • Networking
  • Remote Method Invocation
  • Java Beans
  • Java Security

3. C# Programming

  • C# Basics
  • Implementing OOP Concepts in C#
  • Advanced OOP Concepts in C#
  • Namespaces
  • Advanced C# concepts –I
  • Advanced C# Concepts-II
  • File Handling in C#
  • Debug, Test and Deploy Applications

4. Winforms Application Development

  • Basic concepts of Winforms
  • Controls of Winforms
  • Advanced User Interface Enhancements
  • MDI Applications
  • Introduction to ADO.NET
  • GDI+ Programming
  • Advanced Windows Forms Features

5. Communication and Personality Development

  • Working together in teams (Part 2 - To develop an understanding of ‘self’)
  • Communication and Presentation Skills
  • SWOT analysis

6. Project with Winforms Development

  • Objectives:
    • To consolidate and supplement the computing knowledge and skills through practical application
    • To practise team work in a strict discipline environment
    • To practise software development in industry standard process (ISO, CMM)
  • Methods:
    • Design and Implementation phases are separated
    • Concentrating on Software development
    • Faculty support and supervisory
  • Applicable Technologies:
    • Winforms with C#
    • SQL Server database

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