FPT-APTECH - thương hiệu duy nhất trong hệ thống APTECH trực thuộc ĐẠI HỌC FPT và TẬP ĐOÀN FPT
22/02/2025, 01:11 Hôm qua: 688 khách Hôm nay: 28 khách
    Chương Trình ACCP2005  


Core Module

Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with UML

  • Object-Oriented Modeling
  • Requirements Analysis
  • Analysis and Design Overview
  • Architectural Analysis
  • Use-Case Analysis
  • Architectural Design
  • Describe Concurrency
  • Describe Distribution
  • Use-Case Design
  • Class Design

Core XML

  • Introduction to XML
  • XML DTD and Namespaces
  • Displaying XML Documents Using CSS and XSL
  • Document Object Model
  • Use Namespaces and Schemas

.NET Module


  • Create ASP.NET application using Web Forms
  • Use Server controls and Html controls
  • Explain the Built-in objects in ASP.NET
  • Use ADO.net
  • Create User controls and Custom controls
  • Debug web applications
  • Configure and deploy web applications


  • Know about the evolution of distributed systems
  • Discuss Windows DNA Architecture and how is it related to .NET
  • Discuss COM+ architecture
  • Discuss new features of COM+ and how to implement them with .NET assemblies

Advanced .NET

  • Work with Attributes in C#
  • Create .NET Components
  • Deploy .NET Components on COM+
  • Create Windows Services
  • Serialize Objects using XML
  • Create Distributed Applications using .NET Remoting
  • Create Web Pages which are Accessible On A Mobile Device

XML Webservices with .NET

  • Introduction to WS
  • Introduction to WSDL
  • Introduction to SOAP
  • Introduction to UDDI
  • Creation and hosting of webservice using VS.NET 2003
  • Consuming a .NET webservice in an application
  • Consuming a Java webservice in an application
  • UDDI exposure of a Java webservice

Security in .NET

  • Discuss the need for security
  • Explain the Security mechanisms supported by .NET
  • Discuss Code Based Security
  • Discuss Role Based Security
  • Discuss Evidence Based Security
  • Discuss Cryptography in .NET

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