Thread in C# - Part 14: Timers  

(Post 23/11/2007) The easiest way to execute a method periodically is using a timer – such as the Timer class provided in the System.Threading namespace. The threading timer takes advantage of the thread pool, allowing many timers to be created without the overhead of many threads. Timer is a fairly simple class, with a constructor and just two methods (a delight for minimalists, as well as book authors!)

public sealed class Timer : MarshalByRefObject, IDisposable
public Timer (TimerCallback tick, object state, 1st, subsequent);
public bool Change (1st, subsequent); // To change the interval
public void Dispose(); // To kill the timer
1st = time to the first tick in milliseconds or a TimeSpan
subsequent = subsequent intervals in milliseconds or a TimeSpan
(use Timeout.Infinite for a one-off callback)
In the following example, a timer calls the Tick method which writes "tick..." after 5 seconds have elapsed, then every second after that – until the user presses Enter:
using System;
using System.Threading;

class Program {
static void Main() {
Timer tmr = new Timer (Tick, "tick...", 5000, 1000);
tmr.Dispose(); // End the timer

static void Tick (object data) {
// This runs on a pooled thread
Console.WriteLine (data); // Writes "tick..."

The .NET framework provides another timer class of the same name in the System.Timers namespace. This simply wraps System.Threading.Timer, providing additional convenience while using the same thread pool – and the identical underlying engine. Here's a summary of its added features:

  • A Component implementation, allowing it to be sited in the Visual Studio Designer
  • An Interval property instead of a Change method
  • An Elapsed event instead of a callback delegate
  • An Enabled property to start and pause the timer (its default value being false)
  • Start and Stop methods in case you're confused by Enabled
  • an AutoReset flag for indicating a recurring event (default value true)

Here's an example:

using System;
using System.Timers; // Timers namespace rather than Threading

class SystemTimer {
static void Main() {
Timer tmr = new Timer(); // Doesn't require any args
tmr.Interval = 500;
tmr.Elapsed += tmr_Elapsed; // Uses an event instead of a delegate
tmr.Start(); // Start the timer
tmr.Stop(); // Pause the timer
tmr.Start(); // Resume the timer
tmr.Dispose(); // Permanently stop the timer

static void tmr_Elapsed (object sender, EventArgs e) {
Console.WriteLine ("Tick");

The .NET framework provides yet a third timer – in the System.Windows.Forms namespace. While similar to System.Timers.Timer in its interface, it's radically different in the functional sense. A Windows Forms timer does not use the thread pool, instead firing its "Tick" event always on the same thread that originally created the timer. Assuming this is the main thread – also responsible for instantiating all the forms and controls in the Windows Forms application – the timer's event handler is then able to interact with the forms and controls without violating thread-safety – or the impositions of apartment-threading. Control.Invoke is not required.

A Windows Forms timer is intended for jobs that may involve updating the user interface and which execute quickly. Quick execution is important because the Tick event is called on the main thread – which if tied up, will make the user interface unresponsive.

(Sưu tầm)


Công nghệ khác:

Thread in C# - Part 13: Asynchronous DelegatesThread in C# - Part 12: Thread Pooling
Thread in C# - Part 11: ReaderWriterLockThread in C# - Part 10: BackgroundWorker
Thread in C# - Part 9: Apartments and Windows FormsThread in C# - Part 8: Synchronization Contexts
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