2006 là “The Year of Placements” của Aptech  

(Post 13/02/2006) Hệ thống Aptech đã chọn 2006 là năm “Việc làm cho sinh viên”, với nhiều hoạt động tích cực nhằm đảm bảo cho tất cả sinh viên Aptech khi tốt nghiệp có việc làm tốt. Đầu năm 2006, ông Pramod Khera CEO & Managing Director của Aptech đã có thư gửi cho tất cả Aptechite…

Dear Aptechites,

As we draw to the end of the year 2005, it is time once again to review the year that was and plan for the New Year. The year 2005 has seen Aptech take confident strides on its chosen path, even as it offered improved services to its customers, thanks to the concerted efforts put in by all Aptechites.

After the successful implementation of Customer Sensitization programs across the country, with 2005 being the year of the Customer, 2006 is being declared as the “The Year of Placements” for all our brands & all markets. Many activities & initiatives will be rolled out in order to source more and better placement opportunities for our students and also to groom our students better to make them more industry-relevant and job-ready.

The Year 2006 has to become the Year in which we give our business a quantum jump in terms of growth and profitability. Aptech’s vision is to become a “Global Learning Solutions” provider and a World-Class organisation. This can only be achieved if all of us work together with the will and the drive that we need to move ahead.

We need full-time dedication from each one of you to enable the organization move forward on the path we have charted out. I am sure we will get this commitment from all Aptechites, thereby succeeding in achieving the vision that we have set for ourselves.

With best wishes for a successful and prosperous Year 2006,

Pramod Khera
CEO & Managing Director, Aptech Limited


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