Tech Propulsion Labs tuyển dụng Web Developer - Hạn chót 10/04/2012  

As a member in a multicultural software engineering firm, you will tap into modern resources and diverse network of professionals as well as ongoing training. With the position of a Web Developer, you will build web 2.0 and mobile application overseas startups

Tech Propulsion Labs (TPL) is a software engineering firm based in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. With the belief that human resource is the most valuable asset at TPL, seeking talents and trainable people together with building employees' career are our main focuses. In order to catch up the fast growing pace of our business, you will have opportunities to get

  • Customized technical coaching from local and overseas technical experts;
  • Customized career coaching from their mentor, and setting their own goals for developing themselves, improving their skills, and increasing the quality of their work;
  • Promotion regarding on performance improvement, regardless of contribution time for the company.

For more information, please access or contact us via email

Job Description:

As a member in a multicultural software engineering firm, you will tap into modern resources and diverse network of professionals as well as ongoing training. With the position of a Web Developer, you will build web 2.0 and mobile application overseas startups:

  • Design and develop applications in a wide range of areas including Mobile, Finance, Web games, SaaS, and Cloud Computing.
  • Learn from local and overseas experts to apply advanced software development practices, including Scrum, Behavior Driven Development (BDD), Test Driven Development (TDD), Pair Programming, and continuous integration.


  • Graduation from University or College.
  • Good writing and reading in English.
  • One year experience on Ruby on Rails, PHP, Python, .Net or Java (compulsory)
  • Strong at Ajax, Javascript, MVC model, 3 tier design and other web technologies.
  • Ability to discuss project requirements and technical design with clients in English (highly preferred).
  • High adaptability on new working process.
  • Strong ability to learn new technologies.

We don't believe that progress of projects requires to work overtime but to commit to quality of products during efficient time. Therefore, you will enjoy

  • Determining your own work schedules
  • Rarely overtime
  • Quality, skill, and openness
  • Modern devices and multiple monitors.

Additionally benefits you would experience at TPL such as Sport activities ie. Badminton, football, swimming Birthday gifts Team building parties Flexible and friendly working environment Premium health insurance And more exciting activities for all TPL staff

FPT APTECH mở ra cho các bạn đam mê học tin học, học công nghệ thông tin chuyên sâu về học lập trình cơ hội được đào tạo Công Nghệ Thông Tin trong môi trường tiêu chuẩn chất lượng quốc tế ISO 9001.

Học CNTT - Học Aptech - Học tại FPT


  • Sinh viên FPT nộp hồ sơ trực tiếp bằng email cho
  • Ngoài hồ sơ, tiêu đề email ghi rõ vị trí dự tuyển: "Du Tuyen Cty Tech Propulsion Labs"
  • Trong email điền vào mẫu sau:
    • Mã Số Sinh Viên
    • Họ Tên
    • Điện Thoại
    • Email
    • Công Ty Ứng Tuyển: WEB Developer-04
    • TB Học Kỳ 3
    • TB Học Kỳ 4

Hồ sơ gồm có:

  1. Application Form (Sinh viên tự viết)
  2. Resume (Mẫu của trường)
  3. Scan bảng điểm, bằng cấp (Nếu có)

Lưu ý:

  • Tất cả các biểu mẫu (dạng file mềm), sinh viên nén lại thành 1 file: .zip gửi về cho Mr.Khương, File .Zip phải nhỏ hơn 500Kb

Phòng Hỗ Trợ Việc Làm


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